“President Bush sends his best wishes along with his appreciation to your service to the citizens of Haiti.” – Office of President George W. Bush
“It encourages me to see that you are hoping to create an “entrpreneurial spark” in Haiti. The recipe for success is apparent, and I hope your organization will continue to promote entrepreneurialism and economic freedome, not only in haiti, but throughout the scope of your influence worldwide. I wish you Godspeed in your endeavors.” – U.S. Congressman Doug Lamborn
“Our Administration extends its thanks for your dedication to serving the people of the Haitian Community. We applaud your good works. You have your best wishes and we look forward to seeing the progress you make!” – Governor Hickenlooper of Colorado
“Not only will you be getting involved with my new album, but a portion of your pledge will also go to an amazing charity near and dear to me, The Calling!” – Disney’s & You Tube Senation’s Alex G
“Continue the great work!” – Tim Tebow Foundation
“You have my support! Especially in all the endeavors ahead for The Calling!” – Ken Ham Founder and CEO of Ark Encounter & Creation Museum
“I was elated to hear of your great success of your event of Saturday. From all reports it was a wonderful, Christ- honoring time. I am truly grateful for your leadership in this outstanding initiative!” – Bill Armstrong US Senator
“You are a force to be reckoned with little sister. You have my admiration my support and my love. Always.” – Cynthia Garett, Hollywood & TBN Star, & Lenny Kravitz sister
“We support The Calling because we believe that hopelessness is one of the worst symptoms of all forms of poverty. Showing people that there is a God who gives them dreams and passions is one way to re-instill hope in their hearts, introduce them to the never-failing hope of Christ in His Gospel, and encourage them to take another step forward.” – Jobi and Abby Wall, Check Republic
“We support The Calling because we believe that hopelessness is one of the worst symptoms of all forms of poverty. Showing people that there is a God who gives them dreams and passions is one way to re-instill hope in their hearts, introduce them to the never-failing hope of Christ in His Gospel, and encourage them to take another step forward.” – Professional Basketball Player Jobi and Abby Wall, Czech Republic
“The Bible says you reap what you sow. Our hope is that as we sow into the ministry of The Calling, our family will reap in our own personal CALLINGS.”– Peter and Michelle Gonzalez, Colorado
“I was forever changed by The Calling Conference” – Allie Zavala, Founder of Sweets and Stilettos 26 years old
“The Calling unlocked my God-given calling to help homeless women make coats that turn into sleeping bags to escape poverty!” Beverly, age 70
“Chrysandara Brunson is a remarkable young lady, a great role model of faith, family and fun .. a leader.” Former US Senator Bill Armstrong, Former President of Colorado Christian University
“Wow! God surprised me this time! Through my involved in the organization, The Calling, God inspired me to put my new book together, Activating God’s power. The Calling is an organization that is inspiring, empowering, and equipping people to fulfill their God given purpose. In most cases this is fulfilling a God-given dream that someone may have had in there heart for a long time, but in my case, because of The Calling, God revealed something that He wanted me to do, a CALLING, and that was writing this book. I would have never desired doing such a thing, but being obedient to God’s will for my life has proven to be such a blessing! Thank you Chrysandra Brunson! Thank you The Calling! Thank you God!” – Michelle Gonzalez, 42
” I encourage everyone to seek after God’s will (AKA CALLING) for their lives, not their own. I assure you, you will never regret it and you will be surprised!” – Michelle Leslie , Author of Activating God’s Power